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Peter Maggenti

Hunter Education Instructor/Mentor





34637 Creeksedge Road

Date of Birth:

August 9, 1967

A Bit About Me

I started my outdoor journey as a young child.  My parents both hunted and fished, so I was raised with it.  My first trip into the woods I could barely walk, and my father carried me in a backpack while he fly fished in the Sierras, and I have never lost my love for the wilds.  I started hunting at age 8 after I passed my Hunter Safety, my first hunt was for Doves in the Central Valley of California with my trusty single shot .410 shotgun.  I still have memories of that first hunt, tho they are somewhat fleeting images now, they left a mighty impression, and thus began my lifelong journey of hunting and conservation.

Outdoor Experience


1980 - 1991

My parents joined a hunting club called Goose Hill Gun Club near Ione California in 1980.  It was 2000 acres of prime California Foothill country. We hunted Pheasant, Chukar, Bobwhite and Valley Quail, Ducks and Geese, Turkeys, Coyotes and Blacktailed Deer.  We bought a Pudelpointer to hunt birds with from Bodo Winterhelt, who introduced the breed into the United States.  I learned an awful lot about hunting with dogs from him.  Eventually, I guided bird hunters with my dog. I also guided fishing trips for Large Mouth Bass, Turkeys and Deer on the club.  During this time I was also a member of the California Hunters Education Youth Team and travelled to both Chestertown Maryland and Logan Utah to compete representing the state of California in Shotgun, Rifle, Archery, Hunter Safety and Wilderness Skills.  I managed to win an Individual Gold Medal and two team Silver medals in international competition.  I went on to help coach the teams for a few years after I aged out.


I was still in college studying Environmental Management, when I was offered a position with a company called Outdoor Marketing Consultants.  This company was formed by Paul Newsom, Bill Bynum and Michael DeChambeau.  They marketed several outdoor products, but the main job I was involved with was the NRA's Great American Hunters Tour.  We marketed, promoted and ran the Tour for the NRA for 3 years.  My main job was as a Tour Manager, traveling the country for 3 years and running nearly 300 shows during that time nationwide.  I got to work with some of the Industry greats like Paul Newsom, Craig Boddington, Jim Zumbo, Ray Eye, Dwight Schuh, Larry Wieshuhn, Gerry Chiapetta, Gene Wensel, Dick Idol, and many more.  I learned a great deal from these superstars of the hunting world and have remained friends with many of them over the years.

1994 to present

I went on to work in a various careers not directly related to the outdoors, but continued my personal passion for the outdoors and hunting.  in 2009 I became an official Hunters Education Instructor for California and have taught over 3000 students in the classroom.  I have also helped with some Advanced Hunters Education classes, and taught other Hunting classes for other organizations over the years.  I was also a dinner Chairman for the Caliiforna Deer Association for 10 years.

  In 2020, I got involved with the First Hunt Foundation and began Mentoring new hunters with them.  In 2023 I accepted the position of California State Director for the First Hunt Foundation and continue my work with them still.

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